When designing a house interior it can be frustrating if you haven’t started with the right plan. Planning and doing extensive research before can make…
Buying property in itself is a big job, maintaining one is an even bigger one. But only when you maintain your property regularly, will it…
Co-living is a rental housing concept, wherein, fully furnished living units are offered to groups of people who wish to co-habit the space, without the…
Building a strong landlord-tenant relationship is essential if you want your address to remain unchanged in the long run. While there are certain traits that…
Moving to a new city with a family or even moving within the same city, is a difficult task. You need to keep the needs…
A rental agreement or lease contract is necessary for those contemplating renting and those trying to put their residences out for rent. Here are a few of the factors you should make sure are included in your rental agreement:
As a landlord, it is critical that you find the happy medium between overbearing and obsessive and completely hands-off. You want to make sure that…
We just completed 2021- 2022 at YourOwnROOM and as we step into 2022-2023, there are some very interesting trends that I have been observing especially…
As we transition to 2022-23, We would like to share our plans and priorities for the year ahead: Firstly, we are reimagining ourselves from being…
2021-22 has been a great year for us. We grew significantly – today our asset under management is close to 1 million sq. ft. valued…