Note: This article has been published on BusinessWorld and the same is published here with the permission of the owner – COVID-19 is a…
They are key to driving efficiency in Residential Real Estate
I remember working to put together a Collaborative System in 2000 on a good old Lotus Notes Platform (those were the days IBM was striving hard…
The property rates in India between 2000–2010 grew by 52%( in leading 7 cities) .Decade after that it has grown only by 32%. Last few…
One thing this pandemic has brought into focus is the need for a well-appointed living space. By that, we mean a home or a room that is equipped to enable us to spend a big chunk of or lives in it.
Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) are undoubtedly the safest investment options in the Indian market today. However, you may not see much of it in…